The complexation between one polyelectrolyte and one protein has been exami
ned by employing a simple model system solved by Monte Carlo simulations. T
he polyelectrolyte was composed of a sequence of negatively charged hard sp
heres, and the protein was represented by a hard sphere with embedded pH-de
pendent discrete charges, the positions of which were taken from lysozyme.
A short-range attractive interaction between the polyelectrolyte and the pr
otein accounting for hydrophobic interactions completed the model. The comp
lexation was found to depend decisively on the charge status of the protein
model as well as on the presence of the short-range attractive interaction
. In particular, the complexation weakens at decreasing ionic strength exce
pt for the highest positive protein net charge considered. and in the absen
ce of the short-range attraction, a positively charged protein was required
to obtain a complex. The distribution of the polyelectrolyte beads was inh
omogeneous at the protein surface, and the polyelectrolyte contracted upon
complexation. Finally, the protein model with discrete charges gave a stron
ger complex than the corresponding protein model with a homogeneous surface
charge density.