Tb. Shvetstenetagurii et El. Ivanovaanninskaya, VARIATIONS OF CORTICAL REDOX POTENTIAL IN THE COURSE PENTOBARBITAL-ANESTHESIA IN RATS, Zurnal vyssej nervnoj deatelnosti im. I.P. Pavlova, 47(3), 1997, pp. 523-531
The effect of the pentobarbital anaesthesia (40 mg/kg) on the potentia
l of the cortical redox state (E) recorded by implanted platinum elect
rode was studied in male albino rats. A gradual decrease in the breath
ing frequency induced by pentobarbital was accompanied by a gradual re
duction of the redox potential by 30-80 mV, During the episodes with i
ntermittent breathing there were additional decreases in redox potenti
al by 30-80 mV against the background of which some rhythmical oscilla
tions could be observed (the amplitude up to 25-30 mV, periods in 5-15
sec), The obtained data suggest that pentobarbital anaesthesia heavil
y changes the redox state of the brain tissue and shifts the balance t
o reducing state. Oscillations in redox potential against the backgrou
nd of breathing interruptions seem to be the typical glycolitic oscill