Biotinyl-enzymes are conservative molecules present in helminths, as well a
s in other animals, bacteria and plants. They have recently been found to b
e antigenic in mice, and a potential source of cross-reactivity among helmi
nths. This study investigated the presence in human sera of antibodies reac
tive with biotinyl-enzymes from the nematodes Anisakis simplex, Toxocara ca
nis and Ascaris suum. Biotinyl-enzymes from all these nematodes were recogn
ized by IgG1 antibodies in sera from healthy subjects and from Anisakis-fre
e patients infected with other parasites. Interestingly, IgE antibodies rea
ctive with Anisakis simplex biotinyl-enzymes were present in about one thir
d of the sera from Anisakis-free patients infected with other parasites. Ou
r results also demonstrate that the anti-BE IgG1 and IgE antibodies present
in the sera of Anisakis-free subjects are cross-reactive among helminths.
We conclude that biotinyl-enzymes from nematodes are recognized by natural
human antibodies, although Anisakis biotinyl-enzymes do not seem to be the
cause of sensitization. Since sera from the Anisakis-free population also p
resent these antibodies, as-yet unidentified factors (dietary components, i
ntestinal inflammation and/or the presence of parasites) may contribute to
the induction of anti-BE antibody background.