As process technologies of integrated circuits become more complex and the
industry moves toward flip-chip packaging, present tools and techniques are
having increasing difficulty meeting failure analysis needs [The Industria
l Physicist, 1998. p.11]. In particular, flip-chip packaging requires that
nondestructive measurements be made through the silicon substrate. The pack
age substrates for these new integrated circuits are also becoming more com
plex with finer pitch dimensions and many layers of metallization often wit
h several ground and power planes that complicate nondestructive analysis.
To meet the needs of failure analysis for some present and most future appl
ications, new techniques are needed.
Recent developments in magnetic field imaging provide failure analysts with
a tool to help overcome some of the hurdles involved in fault isolation of
present and next generation semiconductor devices. Through the use of a su
perconducting quantum interference device, which is a very sensitive magnet
ic sensor, currents in integrated circuits can be imaged via the magnetic f
ields they produce. These images can reveal the locations of shorts and oth
er current anomalies at both the die and package levels. This instrument ha
s applications in fault isolation, design verification, and defective compo
nent isolation in full assemblies. A description of this technology and a s
ummary of the various applications of this tool at the die, package, and as
sembly levels are presented in this paper. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. A
ll rights reserved.