We have designed, produced, and tested several different types, of micropat
terned gas proportional counters at the University of Louisville. A particu
lar specialty has been the development and application of laser micromachin
ing techniques to produce devices as the Microwell, GEM, and Microtube. Las
er micromachining is a new technology with particular advantages for detect
or fabrication, including the ability to produce novel structures, machine
wells in thick substrates, and produce detector arrays well suited to inclu
sion in modern microelectronics components. We report here the development
of the Microwell detector and laser micromachining techniques for its produ
ction. First results are also presented for the Microtube detector, a devic
e with a reduced anode formed as a tube extending into the center of the we
ll. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. Ali rights reserved.