The efficiency of the wave energy loss from a nonuniform MHD waveguide due
to the conversion of the trapped magnetosonic waveguide modes into runaway
Alfven waves is estimated theoretically. It is shown that, if the waveguide
parameters experience a jumplike change along the waveguide axis, the inte
raction between the waveguide modes and Alfven waves occurs precisely at th
is "jump." This effect is incorporated into the boundary conditions. A set
of coupled integral equations with a singular kernel is derived in order to
determine the transmission and reflection coefficients for the waveguide m
odes. The poles in the kernels of the integral operators correspond to the
surface waves. When the jump in the waveguide parameters is small, analytic
expressions for the frequency dependence of the transformation coefficient
s are obtained by using a model profile of the Alfven velocity along the ma
gnetic field. For the jump characterized by the small parameter value epsil
on = 0.3, the wave-amplitude transformation coefficient can amount to 5-10%
. Under the phase synchronization condition (when the phase velocities of t
he waveguide modes on both sides of the jump are the same), the wave-energy
transformation coefficient is much higher: it increases from a fraction of
one percent to tens of percent. The transformation of fast magnetosonic wa
ves into Alfven waves is resonant in character, which ensures the frequency
and wavelength filtering of the emitted Alfven perturbations. (C) 2001 MAI
K "Nauka/Interperiodica".