The optical and dielectric properties of prepared polyvinychloride/atactic
polymethylmethacrylate (PVA/alpha -PMMA) blends are studied as a function o
f applied field frequency and PMMA content. The observed optical energy gap
s and the energy gap tails were determined from the measured absorption spe
ctra. It was found that the applied frequency and the a-PMMA concentration
have some effects on the physical parameters such as the optical energy gap
, the glass transition temperature (T-g), the dielectric constant, and the
refractive index. Correlation between the determined optical energy gaps ar
id the measured T-g is presented. The observed changes in these physical pa
rameters are due to structural changes in the amorphous domains, impurities
and space charge within the interfaces in the mixed phases. (C) 2001 Elsev
ier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.