In wheat, kernel hardness is a complex genetic trait involving various dire
ctly and indirectly contributing components such as kernel hardness per se,
protein content, hectolitre weight and 1,000-kernel weight. In an attempt
to identify DNA markers associated with this trait, 100 recombinant inbred
lines (RILs) derived from a cross between a hard grain land-race, NP4, and
a soft grain variety, HB 208, were screened with 100 ISSR and 360 RAPD prim
ers. Eighteen markers were assigned to seven linkage groups covering 223.6
cM whereas I I markers remained unlinked. A multiple-marker model explained
the percentage of phenotypic variation for kernel hardness as 20.6%, where
as that for protein content, hectolitre weight and 1,000-kernel weight was
18.8%, 13.5% and 12.1 %, respectively. Our results indicate that phenotypic
expression of kernel hardness is controlled by many QTLs and is interdepen
dent on various related traits.