Modern computational techniques offer new horizons for urban economics in t
he form of agent-based simulation frameworks. This paper reports on a cellu
lar automata (CA) simulation in which urban land transforms on the basis of
locally optimal bargaining between developers and local communities (local
governments). Because CA is an explicitly spatial modelling methodology, t
he space-time-specific paths to global equilibrium can be observed. Because
it is an atomistic methodology (cells represent decision units), it is sui
table for articulating microeconomic theories of urban processes including
planning. We present a space-time-specific simulation of cities evolving un
der two alternative planning regimes. In one, the community has property ri
ghts and uses planning conditions, planning gain, impact fees and so on to
ensure that each development occurs at a socially optimal density. This is
a theoretically simplified rendition of the British development control sys
tem-simplified in the sense of acting from a position of perfect knowledge
and having a single objective of optimising locational externalities. In th
e other simulation, developers have the right to develop but the community
is allowed to make (rather than receive) compensatory payments in order to
achieve socially optimal land-use patterns and densities. Decision-making i
n both systems is local and socially efficient. However, case-by-case ad ho
c development control with compensatory exactions has the effect of steerin
g development to the least-polluting locations. Although socially optimal d
ensities can occur under alternative control regimes (as the second simulat
ion demonstrates), the stylised British development control process acts li
ke a decentralised locational pricing system and, by definition, yields a s
uperior land-use pattern than any other style of planning system. At one le
vel, our model articulates the Coasian invariance theorem-the same partial
equilibrium outcome can be achieved whichever way the property rights (over
land development) fall. At another level, the results demonstrate that in
a spatial resource allocation problem such as land-use planning, global equ
ilibrium is not independent of property rights. The total social product in
the urban land economy is greater when the community holds rights over dev