The parameters of the records of 273 horses surgically treated for colic be
tween January 1998 and January 2000 were analysed to identify risk factors
for the development of postoperative ileus. The horses that were euthanatiz
ed during surgery were not included in the study. Horses showing persistent
gastric reflux, persistent signs of colic and distended loops of small int
estine palpable during rectal examination were considered to be having post
operative ileus. The other horses comprised the reference population. Of th
e 273 horses in this study, 49 (18 %) developed postoperative ileus.
Univariate analysis of the parameters from the medical records of the horse
s indicated that several factors were associated with the development of po
stoperative ileus. The result of multiple logistic regression identified th
e presence of pre-operative reflux as the most significant risk factor (P =
0.00013) for postoperative ileus.
The death rate after surgical intervention for colic was 19 %. In the group
of horses with postoperative ileus the death rate caused by ileus was 41 %