Centrifuge experiments modeling single-phase flow in prototype porous media
typically use the same porous medium and permeant. Then, well-known scalin
g laws are used to transfer the results to the prototype. More general scal
ing laws that relax these restrictions are presented. For permeants that ar
e immiscible with an accompanying gas phase, model-prototype (i.e., centrif
uge model experiment-target system) scaling is demonstrated. Scaling is sho
wn to be feasible for Miller-similar (or geometrically similar) media. Scal
ings are presented for a more, general class, Lisle-similar media, based on
the equivalence mapping of Richards' equation onto itself. Whereas model-p
rototype scaling of Miller-similar media can be realized easily for arbitra
ry boundary conditions, Lisle-similarity in a finite length medium generall
y, but not always, involves a mapping to a moving boundary problem. An exce
ption occurs for redistribution in Lisle-similar porous media, which is sho
wn to map to spatially fixed boundary conditions. Complete model-prototype
scalings for this example are derived.