Multiple sclerosis (MS) is rare in children and occurs exceptionally before
ten years. Sex ratio (girl/boy) is around 2.5 to 3, higher than in adults.
Brain stem dysfunction and meningeal symptoms are more commonly first mani
festations of the disease than in adults. Optic neuritis is also a frequent
early manifestation. The etiology of the disease remains unclear and none
of the advanced hypotheses (infectious, genetic, environmental) can by them
selves explain its occurrence. There is a genetic susceptibility which is p
robably linked to many genes leading to a low related risk (less than two).
A viral trigger mechanism in a person with a genetic predisposition is pos
sible. New therapies result from a better understanding of the closed immun
e mechanisms of the disease. (C) 2001 Editions scientifiques et medicales E
lsevier SAS.