This paper details and analyzes the linkage between personality and po
litics in Japan. It reports on a study designed to explore a specific
dimension of the political personality in Japan, namely dogmatism, and
to consider its significance for political behavior. It replicates th
e research method utilized by DiRenzo (1977)-the Rokeach's Dogmatism S
cale-which centered on American and Italian politicians, to examine ho
w open or closed to change the belief systems of Japanese Diet members
are, Employing a sample collected in 1993 from 110 newly elected Diet
members and from close to 1,000 citizens, the discussion focuses on m
easuring dogmatism of Diet members and nonpoliticians; on the relation
ship between dogmatism, party affiliation or support, and ideological
orientations; and on the extent to which several sociocultural aspects
affect the dogmatism of Diet members.