The average molar mass of active substances in crop protection as well as i
n pharmaceuticals has grown almost tenfold in the last century. In general,
large molar masses are a drawback when looking at bioavailability. There a
re several strategies to overcome the problem of low bioavailability. Two o
f those strategies will be discussed in this paper: (i) Increasing the diss
olution rate of the solids by increasing the specific surface and (ii) incr
easing the solubility by choosing an optimal polymorph or an amorphous subs
tance. It will be shown what physicochemical measurements are useful to pre
dict which excipients will stabilize suspensions of particles as small as 5
00 nm. In relation to optimal polymorphs, the importance of the optimal cho
ice will be highlighted and examples of reliable stabilization of the amorp
hous form will be given.