This study was aimed at assessing the potential impacts of climate change o
n the depth and duration of soil frost under snow cover in forests growing
at different geographical locations in Finland. Frost simulations using a p
rocess-based forest ecosystem model (FinnFor) were made for Scots pine Pinu
s sylvestris L. stands (height 17 m, stand density 1100 stems ha(-1)) growi
ng on a moraine sandy soil. The climate change forecast used in the computa
tions was based on the global ocean-atmosphere general circulation model Ha
dCM2 that was dynamically downscaled to the regional level. The simulated c
limate warming during the winter months was about 4 to 5 degreesC by the en
d of the 21st century. Frost simulations showed that the length of the soil
frost period would lessen all over the country. Though winters will be war
mer, the associated decrease in snow cover in southern Finland will increas
e the probability of frozen ground there in the middle of winter compared w
ith the current climate. In central and northern Finland there will be so m
uch snow, even in the future, that the maximum annual soil frost depth will
decrease there.