Neonatal central nervous system (CNS) tumors are an uncommon and histologic
ally heterogeneous group of neoplasms with different clinical and biologica
l features from those arising in childhood. We report 9 cases in which a di
agnosis of CNS tumor was confirmed by biopsy or autopsy during the years 19
82 - 1997 in the Vall d'Hebron Children's Hospital, Barcelona. Two cases we
re fetal tumors detected by fetal sonography, 3 patients were symptomatic i
n the first days after birth and 4 patients presented initial clinical sign
s in the first weeks or months of life. Eight lesions were supratentorial a
nd 1 was located in the spinal cord. According to histologic types, there w
ere 2 glioneuronal tumors, 1 anaplastic astrocytoma, 1 choroid plexus carci
noma, 1 immature teratoma, 1 craniopharyngioma, 1 hemangioblastoma, I astro
blastoma and 1 hemangioendothelioma. Extensive review of the literature ind
icates that our cases of hemangioblastoma, astroblastoma and hemangioendoth
elioma are exceptional and one more of the very rare and isolated previousl
y published cases.