A methodology was designed for the extraction of bajadas from the 15 min US
Geological Survey digital elevation models and Landsat Thematic Mapper ima
gery. The method was demonstrated for the Death Valley-California where pro
gressive eastward tilting has enabled the west-side fans to coalesce and fo
rm bajadas. First, the drainage that crossed the uplands and the bajadas wa
s extracted from the DEM. The drainage pixels were successively grown by ch
ecking the surrounding pixels on the basis of their gradient. It was conclu
ded that for gradient in the interval [2 degrees, 11 degrees] the upslope b
ajadas border was segmented. In order to eliminate the drainage pixels that
belonged to the uplands. the drainage pixels were subtracted. Then, the is
olated small 8-connected foreground pixels were identified and subtracted t
oo. Finally, region growing was performed again to the remaining pixels wit
h the same growing criterion. Isolated 8-connected background pixels, repre
senting almost flat regions inside bajadas, were identified and merged to t
he segmented pixels. At the end, by taking into account the spectral respon
se in the satellite image, the downslope border of bajadas was segmented. T
he extracted polygon was in agreement with the information depicted on (a)
the US Geological Survey topographic map of scale 1 : 100,000 and (b) the s
atellite image and (c) the polygon classified manually by a photo-interpret
er. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.