Using a cylindrical Langmuir probe, the plasma properties (ion density, ele
ctron temperature, floating and plasma potentials) in a magnetron sputter s
ource have been investigated, along one particular line-of-sight, but for d
ifferent probe-orientations with respect to the B-field. The plasma in the
region chosen for observation is characterised by electrons, which are magn
etised (Larmor radius r(ie) < both the electron mean-free-path lambda (e),
and plasma extension L) and ions, which are not (their Larmor radius r(I) >
L, lambda (I)). Through the development of a simple expression for the ele
ctron saturation current at different probe angles relative to the local B-
field, it is possible to correct for the diminished electron currents due t
o their restricted transport across the field. The results indicate that th
e measured ion density, electron temperature, floating and plasma potential
s are unaffected by the probe orientation, however the electron saturation
current is attenuated when the probe is aligned along the B-field. A simple
model for the collection of electrons indicates that classical electron di
ffusion may not operate in the magnetron, with cross-field electron transpo
rt dominated by anomalous, possibly Bohm, diffusion.