We consider the set of maps f is an element of Falpha+ = boolean OR C-beta
> alpha(1+beta) of the circle which are covering maps of degree D, expandin
g, min(x is an element of S1) f'(x) > 1 and orientation preserving. We are
interested in characterizing the set of such maps f which admit a unique f-
invariant probability measure A minimizing f In f'd mu over all f-invariant
probability measures. We show there exists a set G(+) subset of Falpha+, o
pen and dense in the C1+alpha-topology, admitting a unique minimizing measu
re supported on a periodic orbit. We also show that, if f admits a minimizi
ng measure not supported on a finite set of periodic points, then f is a li
mit in the C1+alpha-topology of maps admitting a unique minimizing measure
supported on a strictly ergodic set of positive topological entropy.
We use in an essential way a sub-cohomological equation to produce the pert
urbation. In the context of Lagrangian systems, the analogous equation was
introduced by R. Mane and A. Fathi extended it to the all configuration spa
ce in [8].
We will also present some results on the set of f-invariant measures A maxi
mizing integral A d mu for a fixed C-1-expanding map f and a general potent
ial A, not necessarily equal to -ln f'.