The use of molecular markers has greatly enhanced our understanding of the
genome structure of forest trees. Conifers, in particular, have a relativel
y large genome, containing a very high proportion of repeated DNA, consisti
ng of tandemly repetitive and dispersed repetitive DNA sequences. The natur
e of highly conserved tandemly repetitive rRNA genes has been investigated
in a number of tree species, and their sites mapped on specific chromosomes
by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Different families of retrotr
ansposons (IFG, and TPE1) have been isolated and characterized from the dis
persed repetitive DNA of pines. Genome maps have been constructed in a numb
er of forest tree genera: Pinus, Picea, Pseudotsuga, Cryptomeria, Taxus, Po
pulus, and Eucalyptus. EST databases have been established from cDNA clones
of pines and poplars. The structure and maternal or paternal modes of inhe
ritance of organelle genomes have been investigated in forest trees. Compar
ative mapping in conifers has shown that gene families are conserved across
genera. Due to lack of polyploidy in conifers, the evolution of this group
of trees may have occurred primarily by duplication and dispersal of genes
, probably by retrotranspositions, to form complex gene families. The evolu
tion of angiosperm tree species has presumably involved both gene duplicati
on as well as genome duplication (polyploidy). Application of genetic engin
eering has shown that genes from phylogenetically unrelated organisms can b
e introduced and expressed in trees, thus offering prospects of genetic imp
rovement of forest trees.