This paper summarizes the results of long-term stationary studies of the li
ming effect on 330 profiles of very acidic soddy moderately podzolic soils
on moraine loam and of soddy slightly podzolic soil on glaciofluvial loamy
sand. Individual soil profiles and trenches were examined. The effect of in
itial liming with 2.0 and 2.5 standard doses of slaked lime can be observed
in the soil on moraine loam even after 50 years. An intensive periodical l
iming with powder-like ground limestone (2.0 standard doses each 3-4 years
and 2.5 standard doses each 7 years) on the background of liming with 2.0 a
nd 2.5 doses of slaked lime (corresponding to 59.9 and 55.4 t/ha, respectiv
ely) prevents the acidification of the plow and A2B horizons in the layer o
f 0-50 cm and improves soil properties in the layer of 0-1 m. An intensive
liming (23 t/ha of CaCO3 in 25 years) of the soil on glaciofluvial loamy sa
nd underlain by calcareous gravel changed its chemical properties in the la
yer of 0-60 cm.