Objective, To use a novel method of estimating income loss associated
with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods. For the 26 RA patients (16 fe
male and 10 male, mean age 52.77 yrs) participating in our study, job
histories were used to estimate earning potential based on the United
States Department of Labor job analysis. To estimate current function,
work samples were performed using the Valpar Instrument Battery. The
tests include measures of motor coordination, finger dexterity, and ma
nual dexterity. Databases were used to estimate current earning potent
ial on the basis of these performance measures. Results. Estimated ear
nings decreased from $18,409 to $13,900 per yr. Furthermore, it was es
timated that the number of jobs patients could perform dropped from 11
.5 million to 2.6 million. Conclusion. These preliminary estimates sug
gest that RA causes significant reductions in earning potential and in
the number of jobs that can be performed. This methodology, using a s
mall sample of patients, produced results consistent with larger popul
ation studies.