Temporal changes in the ichnogeneric diversity and ethological structure of
50 Cambrian to Carboniferous deep-marine ichnofaunal assemblages were quan
tified. Assemblages of Cambrian age are distinctive: their diversity is low
er, pascichnia and agrichnia relatively unimportant, and 'shallow-marine' i
chnotaxa more common, than in subsequent periods. There appear to be no env
ironmental reasons that would have precluded more extensive colonization of
the deep-marine environment during the Cambrian. The significant restructu
ring of deep-marine communities at, or near, the Cambrian-Ordovician bounda
ry is therefore attributed to competition for ecospace and/or resources wit
hin shallow-marine environments during the early Phanerozoic, as a result o
f which ichnotaxa, including examples of pascichnia and agrichnia, were dis
placed offshore. The Nereites ichnofacies, as traditionally understood, is
thus characteristic of only deep-marine environments younger than the Cambr
ian. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.