The Lower Siwalik succession of the Jammu area has been distinguished into
three major lithofacies associations: a sand-dominant association, a sandy-
mud-dominant association, and a siltyheterolithic association. The sand-dom
inant association is made up of three lithofacies: cross-bedded sandstone.
rippled silty sandstone and bioturbated sandy siltstone, which are organize
d in multistoreyed sandbodies representing deposition in major river channe
ls. The sandy-mud-dominant association is made up of two lithofacies, mottl
ed clayey siltstone and interbedded sandstone, siltstone and mudstone, repr
esenting deposition in overbank areas of flood-plain and natural levee-crev
asse splays. The sand-dominant association and sandy-mud-dominant associati
on are grouped together as a channel-related succession and are products of
processes in the river channel. The silty-heterolithic association consist
s of four lithofacies: mottled siltstone, mottled silty sandstone, bedded c
alcrete and mottled mudstone. They are considered to be deposits of Doab (u
pland interfluve) areas operating independently of present-day major river
channels. These deposits have been formed in minor channels. sloping surfac
es, and takes and ponds of the interfluve regions. The cyclicity of both su
ccessions (channel-related and Doab-related) has been determined using a pa
rtial-independence statistical model.