Although the U-Pb isotopic system is widely used to date magmatism and medi
um- to high-grade metamorphism, dating low-grade metamorphic events has bee
n hampered by a scarcity of suitable minerals. We show that monazite forms
in shales during low-grade metamorphism and can be dated by in situ U-Pb an
alysis, providing precise ages for low-temperature thermal events. In Prote
rozoic shales from the Pine Creek inlier of northern Australia, monazite an
d xenotime crystals that formed in a contact aureole yield ages synchronous
with granite intrusion, ca. 1830 Ma. In the Pilbara craton of northwestern
Australia, monazite growth 2192 +/- 5 m.y. ago coincided with basaltic vol
canism and rifting, an event apparently responsible for hydrothermal iron-o
xide mineralization in a nearby giant iron-ore deposit. The mineralizing en
vironment was highly oxic and bathed by meteoric fluids; thus, our results
imply the existence of an oxygen-rich atmosphere by 2200 Ma. Given the abun
dance of shales in the stratigraphic record, and the likely widespread dist
ribution of monazite in such rocks, in situ U-Pb dating of monazite may bec
ome an important chronometer for low-grade metamorphic events.