The emergence of new infectious diseases and, as a result of globalisation,
exposure to diseases that had already been largely eradicated in the Feder
al Republic of Germany show how important it is to put a Protection against
Infection Act into place that matches a current requirement profile. A sin
e qua non for targeted action is a valid data pool on infection epidemiolog
y and its evaluation on the regional, Laender and federal levels. Under the
recent Act, more effective use is to be made of laboratory diagnosis techn
ologies, and the co-operation between the medical profession, public health
services and scientists intensified to enhance the protection of the gener
al public against infections. Of special importance here are the tasks that
fall to the health office as lower health authority with its subsidiary se
rvices and in its function as the partner and advisor of the citizens and t
he inpatient and outpatient health care services. Regulations covering the
reporting system, vaccinations and immunizations, hospital hygiene, schools
and community facilities, food trade, water for human use, work with patho
gens have been rendered more precise and/or updated.