The use of central venous catheters may be complicated by thrombosis and in
fection. We report a case of a needle-phobic 5-year-old boy with factor IX
deficiency, in whom a portacath was inserted owing to poor compliance with
prophylactic treatment. Within a week, he developed a Staphylococcus aureus
line infection that was treated with a 2-week course of intravenous antibi
otics. One month later he presented with nonspecific symptoms and blood cul
tures again grew S. aureus. An echocardiogram revealed a large vegetation a
dherent to the tricuspid valve, confirming the diagnosis of bacterial endoc
arditis. His clinical course was further complicated by the development of
pulmonary emboli. Medical treatment with intravenous antibiotics led to a s
uccessful resolution of the endocarditis and pulmonary emboli with a favour
able long-term outcome.