Turner syndrome (TS), a genetic disorder characterized by the absence of an
X chromosome in females, has been associated with cognitive and visuo-spat
ial processing impairments. We utilized functional MRI (fMRI) to investigat
e the neural substrates that underlie observed deficits in executive functi
oning and visuo-spatial processing. Eleven females with TS and 14 typically
developing females (ages 7-20) underwent fMRI scanning while performing 1-
back and 2-back versions of a standard visuo-spatial working memory (WM) ta
sk. On both tasks, TS subjects performed worse than control subjects. Compa
red with controls, TS subjects showed increased activation in the left and
right supramarginal gyrus (SMG) during the 1-back task and decreased activa
tion in these regions during the 2-back task. In addition, decreased activa
tion in the left and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and cauda
te nucleus was observed during the 2-back task in TS subjects. Activation d
ifferences localized to the SMG, in the inferior parietal lobe, may reflect
deficits in visuo-spatial encoding and WM storage mechanisms in TS. In add
ition, deficits in the DLPFC and caudate may be related to deficits in exec
utive function during WM performance. Together these findings point to defi
cits in frontal-striatal and frontal-parietal circuits subserving multiple
WM functions in TS.