Both theoretical and experimental studies of pleural fluid dynamics and lun
g buoyancy during steady-state, apneic conditions are presented. The theory
, shows that steady-state, top-to-bottom pleural-liquid flow, creates a pre
ssure distribution that opposes lung buoyancy. These two forces may, balanc
e, permitting dynamic lung floating, but when they, do not, pleural-pleural
contact is required. The animal experiments examine pleural-liquid pressur
e distributions in response to simulated reduced gravity, achieved by, lung
inflation with perfluorocarbon liquid as compared to air The resulting dec
rease in lung buoyancy modifies the force balance in the pleural fluid, whi
ch is reflected in its vertical pressure gradient. The data and model show
that the decrease in buoyancy with perfluorocarbon inflation causes the ver
tical pressure gradient to approach hydrostatic. In the microgravity analog
ue, the pleural pressures would be toward a more uniform distribution, cons
istent with ventilation studies during spaceflight. The pleural liquid turn
over predicted by the model is computed and found to be comparable to exper
imental values from the literature. The model provides the flow field, whic
h can be used to develop a full transport theory for molecular and cellular
constituents that are found in pleural fluid.