Membrane-type MMPs (MT-MMPs) constitute a growing subclass of recently iden
tified matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). In addition to the highly conserve
d MMP functional domains, the MT-MMPs have additional insertion sequences (
IS) that confer unique functional roles. While most of the MMPs are secrete
d, the MT-MMPs are membrane associated and a number of these have cytoplasm
ic domains which may be important in cellular signaling. This membrane loca
lization leads to focal areas of receptor recruitment and subsequent activi
ty, thereby enhancing pericellular proteolysis in specific areas of contact
within the brain interstitium. MT1-MMP is the best-characterized MT-MMP, t
he measure against which subsequently cloned homologues are compared. MT1-M
MP activates proMMP2 via its interaction with TIMP2, which serves as an int
ermolecular bridge for proMMP2 binding to MT-MMPs. In addition to activatio
n of proMMP2, MT-MMPs display intrinsic proteolytic activity towards extrac
ellular matrix molecules (ECM), which is independent of MMP2 activation. Th
e increased expression levels of several members of the MMP family have bee
n shown to correlate with high-grade gliomas, including MT1-MMP. Despite im
provements in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with glial tumors, th
ey remain the most common and least curable brain cancer in adults. The abi
lity of glioma cells to infiltrate surrounding brain tissue, and ultimately
escape current therapeutic modalities, could potentially be minimized usin
g anti-invasive therapies. Proteolysis is a necessary part of the invasion
process, within which the MT-MMPs appear to play a central role. The develo
pment of pharmaceutical approaches that target expression and regulation of
MT-MMPs may prove beneficial in targeting invading glioma cells.