Cerebellar liponeurocytoma is a rare tumor of the posterior fossa that has
many morphological similarities to medulloblastoma. and neurocytoma. Recent
ly the World Health Organization working group for classification of centra
l nervous system neoplasms adopted the term "cerebellar liponeurocytoma" to
provide a unified nomenclature for a tumor variously labeled in the litera
ture as lipomatous medulloblastoma, lipidized medulloblastoma, medullocytom
a, neurolipocytoma, lipomatous glioneurocytoma, and lipidized mature neuroe
ctodermal tumor of the cerebellum. The rarity of this tumor and paucity of
pertinent information regarding its biological potential and natural histor
y have resulted in the application of various treatment modalities. It is s
uggested in the available literature that these lesions have a much more fa
vorable prognosis than typical medulloblastomas, and that adjuvant therapy
for liponeurocytoma need not be as extensive as that administered for medul