Jl. Taylor et al., Unexpected reflex response to transmastoid stimulation in human subjects during near-maximal effort, J PHYSL LON, 536(1), 2001, pp. 305-312
1. In human subjects, a high-voltage electrical pulse between electrodes fi
xed over the mastoid processes activates descending tract axons at the leve
l of the cervico-medullary junction to produce motor responses (cevicomedul
lary evoked responses; CMEPs) in the biceps brachii and brachioradialis mus
2. During isometric maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) of the elbow flex
ors, CMEPs in the biceps brachii and brachioradialis muscles are sometimes
followed by a second compound muscle action potential. This response can be
observed in single trials (amplitude of up to 60 % of the maximal M wave)
and follows the CMEP by about 16 ms in both muscles. The response only occu
rs during very strong voluntary contractions,
3. The second response following transmastoid stimulation appears with stim
ulation intensities that are at the threshold for evoking a CMEP in the con
tracting muscles. The response grows with increasing stimulus intensity, bu
t then decreases in amplitude and finally disappears at high stimulation in
4. A single stimulus to the brachial plexus during MVCs can also elicit a s
econd response (following the M wave) in the biceps brachii and brachioradi
alis muscles. The latency of this response is 3-4 ms longer than that of th
e second response observed following transmastoid stimulation. This differe
nce in latency is consistent, with a reflex response to stimulation of larg
e-diameter afferent,,.
5. The amplitude of the second response to transmastoid stimulation can be
reduced by appropriately timed subthreshold transcranial magnetic stimuli,
This result is consistent with intracortical inhibition of the response.
6. We suggest that transmastoid stimulation can elicit a large transcortica
l reflex response in the biceps brachii and brachioradialis muscles. The re
sponse. travels via the motor cortex but is only apparent during near-maxim
al voluntary efforts.