A simple model for transient eddy momentum fluxes is constructed based on t
he hypothesis that planetary waves radiating from low-level baroclinic eddi
es act effectively as a random forcing of the upper troposphere. The respon
se of the upper troposphere is modeled by the barotropic, nondivergent vort
icity equation, linearized about a zonally symmetric flow. Rayleigh frictio
n and scale-selective damping are included to crudely represent the effect
of vertical diffusion and nonlinear equilibration mechanisms; the associate
d damping rates constitute the only tunable parameters of the model. A dist
inguishing feature of the model is that wave-activity theory is used to spe
cify the statistics of the random forcing as a function of the background f
low and low-level eddy heat fluxes. The resulting model simulates the annua
l cycle of momentum fluxes reasonably well, but tends to underestimate the
eddy kinetic energy in midlatitudes. The results are interpreted in light o
f an analytic solution to the linear response of a barotropic model to rand
om forcing.