Virtual instruments for an extracorporeal circulation (ECC) process we
re developed to simulate the reactions of a patient to different artif
icial perfusion conditions. The computer simulation of the patient tak
es into account the hydraulic, volume, thermal and biochemical phenome
na and their interaction with the devices involved in ECC (cannulae di
mensions, oxygenator and filter types; pulsatile or continuous pump an
d thermal exchangers). On the basis of the patient's initialisation da
ta (height, weight, Hf) and perfusion variables (pump flow rate, water
temperature, gas flow rate and composition) imposed by the operator,
the virtual ECC monitors simulated arterial and venous pressure tracin
gs in real time, along with arterial and venous flow rate tracings, ur
ine production tracing and temperature levels. Oxyhemoglobin arterial
and venous blood saturation together with other related variables (pO(
2), pCO(2), pH, HCO3) are also monitored. A drug model which allows th
e simulation of the effect of vasodilator and diuretic drugs is also i
mplemented. Alarms are provided in order to check which variables (pre
ssure, saturation, pH, urine flow) are out of the expected ranges duri
ng the ECC simulation. Consequently the possibility of modifying the c
ontrol parameters of the virtual devices of the ECC in run-time mode o
ffers an interaction mode between the operator and the virtual environ