The continuously increasing demand for electric power together with the dem
and of environmental friendly technologies require a deep acknowledgement o
f the directions to give to electric power production in order to satisfy b
oth necessities.
The aim of this work is to evaluate the sustainability of Italian electric
system by using the emergy function, a methodology developed in the early 8
0s by Odum, and its correlated indices. Emergy is a thermodynamic based fun
ction that calculates all the fluxes of energy requested to obtain a produc
t going backward to the solar energy invested.
We analyzed all the inputs concurring to the yield of electricity taking in
to account not only the final phases of the production but also all the sou
rces and materials that had been necessary for the system to operate. We ha
ve performed a wide analysis of all the different types of production focus
ing on thermoelectric sector.
We have obtained not only a thermodynamic analysis of electricity productio
n but also an evaluation of the sustainability of the entire process and a
scenario for a correct exploitation of resources.