It is shown that experimental data (D.-S. Liu, R.D. Astumian, T.Y. Tso
ng, J. Biol. Chem. 265, 7260 (1990)) on active transport of Na+ in hum
an erythrocytes (catalyzed by Na+-K+-ATPase) under the influence of ex
ternal ac electric fields can be interpreted as the evidence of stocha
stic resonance between the external ac field and the fluctuations of t
he membrane potential (energy barrier of the process): the signal-to-n
oise ratio J/gamma(i), where J is the ionic current (signal), gamma(i)
- the intensity of intrinsic fluctuations (noise), exhibits strong ma
ximum as the function of gamma(i). The model calculations show that in
the considered system one can expect the appearance of (i) inverse st
ochastic resonance, and of (ii) aperiodic stochastic resonance: (i) th
e ratio J/psi(a) vs intensity of external ac field psi(a), exhibits ma
ximum in the presence of barrier fluctuations; (ii) the exterIlal peri
odic ac field can be replaced by the external random ac field (dichoto
mous Markovian noise in our calculations) of strength gamma(e) and inv
erse correlation time Lambda(e), and the ratio J/gamma(e), vs. gamma(e
) also exhibits a distinct maximum in the presence of internal fluctua
tions of the membrane potential. Note that the superposition of two Ma
rkovian dichotomous noises (internal fluctuations and external ac fiel
d) is equivalent to non-Markovian barrier fluctuations.