This article provides an overview of the environmental patterns and dynamic
s of copper from the perspective of issues that affect our ability to exami
ne current human exposures. It presents selected summary information on the
levels of copper found in various media and exposure pathways from a varie
ty of information sources, and discusses the breadth and the limitations of
this information. The analysis presented focuses on the ability to provide
quantitative values for both external metrics of exposures (microenvironme
ntal levels) and internal biological markers of exposure. The status of the
current information on environmental copper is placed within a conceptual
framework that can be used to identify data gaps, assess the utility of cur
rent biological markers of exposure, and examine the need for systematic an
d consistent data-gathering studies to improve our ability to complete expo
sure assessments. A primary concern is the exposure to copper through potab
le water supplies; this is considered within a framework that examines copp
er levels and distribution in food, soil, air and sediments, as well as the
levels found in biological media such as urine, blood, and hair. An existi
ng water consumption model for copper and associated exposure factors is br
iefly discussed. This type of model will eventually be valuable within a to
tal exposure analysis modeling framework that can consider and prioritize e
xposures from multiple routes and differentiate levels of concern for both
excesses and deficiencies in exposure, an important issue, since copper is
an essential nutrient. Finally, this review attempts to examine the needs f
or better information using as a basis the concerns briefly mentioned in th
e recent NRC report "Copper in Drinking Water" (National Research Council,