The sedimentary structure in the Gulf of Cadiz has been extensively studied
by oil exploration companies. However, up to now little is known about its
deep crustal structure. Moreover, the total thickness of the sedimentary l
ayers remains unknown in large areas. The purpose of this paper is the crus
tal-scale interpretation of deep seismic near-vertical reflection and refra
ction/wide-angle reflection data obtained during the IAM (Iberian Atlantic
Margins) project, carried out in 1993. Our results indicate that a continen
tal type crust is underlying the entire Gulf of Cadiz, with progressive thi
nning from east to west. The sedimentary cover shows a great thickness, rea
ching 8 km in the center of the Gulf. Three main sedimentary units can be r
ecognized: Jurassic-Cretaceous calcareous rocks, continuation of Algarve ou
tcrops; the Allochthonous Units of Guadalquivir/Gulf of Cadiz, the offshore
continuation of the inland Carmona nappe; and sub-horizontal post-Miocene
marine sediments. The crystalline crust is divided into three main layers:
the upper crust is characterized by P-wave velocity values of 5.7-6.1 km/s;
the middle crust shows values of 6.3-6.4 km/s; the lower crust has a mean
vertical velocity gradient of 0.02 km/s/km, with velocities between 6.9 to
7.1 km/s. The total crustal thickness varies from 27 km for the eastern par
t of the studied area, to 20 km for the westernmost part. The crustal thinn
ing is more pronounced in a N-S direction than in an E-W direction. No majo
r structures related with a defined Iberia-Africa plate boundary could be f