Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEG) forms thick biofilms on the intes
tinal mucosa. Here we show that most EAEC strains form a biofilm on glass o
r plastic surfaces when grown in cell culture medium with high sugar and os
molarity. Biofilm-forming ability in two prototype EAEC strains required ag
gregative adherence fimbriae (AAF), although many other EAEC strains that d
o not express AAF also developed biofilms under these conditions. Ten thous
and transposon mutants of EAEC strain 042 were isolated, and 100 were found
to be deficient in biofilm formation. Of these, 93 were either deficient i
n in vitro growth or mapped to genes known to be required for AAF/II expres
sion. Of the seven remaining insertions, five mapped to one of two unsuspec
ted loci. Two insertions involved the E. coli chromosomal fis gene, a DNA-b
inding protein that is involved in growth phase-dependent regulation. Using
reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), we determined th
at the effect of fis was at the level of transcription of the AAF/II activa
tor aggR. Biofilm formation also required the product of the yafK gene, whi
ch is predicted to encode a secreted 28 kDa protein. The yafK product is re
quired for transcription of AAF/II-encoding genes. Our data do not suggest
a role for type 1 fimbriae or motility in biofilm formation. EAEC appears t
o form a novel biofilm, which may be mediated solely by AAF and may reflect
its interactions with the intestinal mucosa.