The discovery(1) of superconductivity at high pressure (albeit over a restr
icted range) in the ferromagnetic material UGe2 raised the possibility that
bulk superconductivity might be found in other ferromagnets. The exact sym
metry of the paired state and the dominant mechanism responsible for the pa
iring, however, remain unidentified. Meanwhile, the conjecture that superco
nductivity could occur more generally in ferromagnets has been fuelled by t
he recent observation of a low-temperature transition that suggests an onse
t of superconductivity in high-quality crystals of the itinerant-ferromagne
t ZrZn2 (ref. 2), although the thermodynamic signature of this transition c
ould not be detected. Here we show that the ferromagnet URhGe is supercondu
cting at ambient pressure. In this case, we rnd the thermodynamic signature
of the transition-its form is consistent with a superconducting pairing of
a spin-triplet type, although further testing with cleaner samples is need
ed to confirm this. The combination of superconductivity and ferromagnetism
may thus be more common and consequently more important than hitherto real