Classical theories of sensory processing view the brain as a passive, stimu
lus-driven device. By contrast, more recent approaches emphasize the constr
uctive nature of perception, viewing it as an active and highly selective p
rocess. Indeed, there is ample evidence that the processing of stimuli is c
ontrolled by top-down influences that strongly shape the intrinsic dynamics
of thalamocortical networks and constantly create predictions about forthc
oming sensory events. We discuss recent experiments indicating that such pr
edictions might be embodied in the temporal structure of both stimulus-evok
ed and ongoing activity, and that synchronous oscillations are particularly
important in this process. Coherence among subthreshold membrane potential
fluctuations could be exploited to express selective functional relationsh
ips during states of expectancy or attention, and these dynamic patterns co
uld allow the grouping and selection of distributed neuronal responses for
further processing.