In a previous paper we demonstrated that Hammondia heydorni-like oocysts is
olated in 1996 from a naturally infected dog could not be distinguished fro
m the isolate Neospora caninum NC-1. The isolate, designated as H. heydorni
-Berlin-1996, was cyclically transmitted using dogs as the final hosts. The
present study provides information on the antibody responses of the dogs u
sed for the cyclical transmission of this isolate. The majority of dogs tha
t had shed oocysts showed no sero-conversion with respect to N. caninum tac
hyzoite surface or immunodominant antigens, either in the indirect fluoresc
ent antibody test or in two Western-blot-based tests. In addition to the ex
amination of responses to immunodominant antigens, we also analysed the ant
ibody reactions of dogs to a high-molecular-weight antigen (152 kDa) in the
tachyzoite antigen preparation. The antibodies against this antigen appear
ed after the dogs had been fed infected intermediate host tissues and shed
oocysts. The reaction was observed in dogs between day 35 and day 447 after
feeding of intermediate host tissues. Therefore, our study provides initia
l information on a 152 kDa tachyzoite antigen, which might be a suitable ca
ndidate to identify dogs with a history of shedding N. caninum oocysts.