Research has revealed facts about human memory in general and episodic memo
ry in particular that deviate from both common sense and previously accepte
d ideas. This paper discusses some of these. deviations in light of the pro
ceedings of The Royal Society's Discussion Meeting on episodic memory. Retr
ieval processes play a more critical role in memory than commonly assumed;
people can remember events that never happened; and conscious thoughts abou
t one's personal past can take two distinct forms-'autonoetic' remembering
and 'noetic' knowing. The serial-dependent-independent (SPI) model of the r
elations among episodic, semantic and perceptual memory systems accounts fo
r a number of puzzling phenomena, such as some amnesic patients' preserved
recognition memory and their ability to learn new semantic facts, and holds
that episodic remembering of perceptual information can occur only by virt
ue of its mediation through semantic memory. Although common sense endows m
any animals with the ability to remember their past experiences, as yet the
re is no evidence that humanlike episodic memory-defined in terms of subjec
tive time, self, and autonoetic awareness-is present in any other species.