The aim of this study was to determine if the sporulation of Eimeria maxima
oocysts was affected by the moisture content of the litter. Fresh feces we
re collected from chickens experimentally infected with E. maxima. The fece
s were mixed with dried wood shavings and different amounts of water to obt
ain final moisture contents of 16, 42, and 62% and a final oocyst concentra
tion of 5,000 per g of mixture. The samples were kept at 23 C and 75% relat
ive humidity and were thoroughly aerated every 12 h. Oocysts kept under ord
inary laboratory sporulation conditions in 2% wt/vol aqueous potassium dich
romate at 27 C were used as a standard for optimal sporulation. The proport
ion of sporulated oocysts was determined microscopically every 12 h.
Sporulation of E. maxima was most efficient under the driest conditions stu
died (16% moisture content), and poorest in the samples with the highest mo
isture content (62%). Even though the differences may not have resulted fro
m a direct effect of humidity on the oocysts, but more likely resulted from
limited oxygen in the moister substrates, it is clear that sporulation is
not favored by moist litter.