In 1995 the Medical Faculty of the University Medical Center of Nijmegen re
vised its curriculum to be more problem-oriented and student-centered. Each
of the first four years now consists of ten four-week courses constructed
around specific learning objectives. For the new curriculum the authors dev
eloped a fourth,year course on age-related health problems in which selecte
d issues of pediatrics, general practice, and geriatrics are integrated. Th
e primary objective of this course is to enable students to understand the
differences and similarities in approaches to health problems in different
age groups. Moreover, by the end of the course students should be able to a
nalyze the physical, psychological, and social aspects of age-specific medi
cal problems and understand their consequences for prevention and treatment
. The course covers age-specific health concerns (e.g., neonatal jaundice,
growth problems, sudden infant death syndrome, anorexia nervosa, dementia,
multiple pathology, frailty) as well as important age,related differences i
n pathophysiology, etiology, diagnosis, and treatment (e.g., acute abdomen,
constipation, maltreatment, urinary incontinence, pharmacokinetics). Based
on assessments and evaluations after the first three implementations, the
authors conclude that the enthusiastically received course is an effective
introduction to age,specific health problems.