Purpose. To determine the prevalence of primary angle-closure glaucoma (PAC
G) in an isolated Greenlandic Inuit community and to examine the anatomical
risk factors for this disease.
Methods: All individuals aged greater than or equal to 40 years were examin
ed. Visual acuity, refractive error, anterior chamber depth (ACD), intraocu
lar pressure (IOP), gonioscopy, and optic disc characteristics were recorde
Results. Seventy-nine individuals (65% response rate) were examined. Mean I
OP was 12.0 mmHg. ACD was shallow and decreased with age and hypermetropia.
ACD was deeper than observed in the same community in 1981 and another Eas
t Greenland population in 1970. Two: subjects, had definite PAC (2.5%).
Conclusion. This is the first study to use applanation tonometry in a Green
land population and confirms a low IOP as found in other populations of Inu
it a Mongolians. ACD measured in 1998 was deeper than in 1981 in the same c
ommunity which may represent a cohort effect indicating a secular change.