A two stage class B power amplifier for 1.9 GHz is presented. The amplifier
is fabricated in a standard digital EPI-CMOS process with low resistivity
substrate. The measured output power is 29 dBm in a 50 Omega load. A design
method to find the large signal parameters of the output transistor is pre
sented. It separates the determination of the optimal load resistance and t
he determination of the large signal drain-source capacitance. Based on thi
s method, proper values for on-chip interstage matching and off-chip output
matching can be derived. A envelope linearisation circuit for the PA is pr
oposed. Simulations and measurements of a fabricated linearisation circuit
are presented and used to calculate the achievable linearity in terms of th
e spectral leakage and the error vector magnitude of a EDGE (3 pi /8-8PSK)
modulated signal.