Beluga whales of the eastern Beaufort Sea stock were tagged with satellite-
linked time-depth recorders and tracked during summer and autumn in 1993, 1
995, and 1997. Whales occupied the Mackenzie estuary intermittently and for
only a few days at a time. They spent much of their time offshore, near or
beyond the shelf break and in the polar pack ice of the estuary, or in Amu
ndsen Gulf, M'Clure Strait, and Viscount Melville Sound. The movements of t
agged belugas into the polar pack and into passages of the Canadian Arctic
Archipelago suggest that aerial surveys conducted in the southeastern Beauf
ort Sea and Amundsen Gulf may have substantially underestimated the size of
the eastern Beaufort Sea stock. Ranges of male and female belugas were som
ewhat segregated in two of the three years of study. In late July of 1993 a
nd 1995, most males were located in Viscount Melville Sound, while females
were primarily in Amundsen Gulf. Movement patterns of males tagged in late
July in 1997 were different from those of males tagged in early July in 199
3 and 1995. In September, belugas migrated westward along the continental s
helf and farther offshore in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea. The tracks from 1997
show that the western Chukchi Sea is an autumn migratory destination and t
hat at least some belugas continued their migration south towards the Berin
g Strait in November. Some conclusions from this study about beluga ecology
challenge conventional wisdom, in that estuarine occupation appears to be
short-lived, belugas travel long distances in summer to areas hundreds of k
ilometres from the Mackenzie Delta, and they do not avoid dense pack ice in
summer and autumn.