The present study aims to evaluate tone decay (auditory adaptation) in Digi
sonic cochlear implant patients, and to compare tone decay results with spe
ech recognition performance. The following criteria are evaluated: tone dec
ay occurrence, place effect, pulse rate effect, and correlation with speech
recognition. A great variability in tone decay was found among the subject
s. The amount of tone decay, measured as a percentage of the electrical dyn
amic range, depends to some extent on electrode location, which may be link
ed with the frequency dependence of acoustical tone decay. However, it is l
ikely that acoustically and electrically evoked adaptation does not involve
the same process. Also, an effect of pulse rate was found. However, no rel
ationship between the amount of tone decay and speech recognition abilities
was observed. Evaluation of tone decay in cochlear implant patients might
not only allow further evaluation of the condition of their auditory system
, but also provide a means to determine preoperatively the specific charact
eristics of a subject's residual auditory capacities.