Limited oxygen availability is a prevalent problem in microbial biotechnolo
gy. Recombinant Escherichia coli expressing the hemoglobin from Vitreoscill
a (VHb) or the flavohemoglobin from Ralstonia eutropha (formerly Alcaligene
s eutrophus) (FHP) demonstrate significantly increased cell growth and prod
uctivity under microaerobic conditions. We identify novel bacterial hemoglo
bin-like proteins and examine if these novel bacterial hemoglobins can elic
it positive effects similar to VHb and FHP and if these hemoglobins allevia
te oxygen limitation under microaerobic conditions when expressed in E. col
i. Several finished and unfinished bacterial genomes were screened using R.
eutropha FHP as a query sequence for genes (hmp) encoding hemoglobin-like
proteins. Novel hmp genes were identified in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmon
ella typhi, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Deinococcus radiodurans, and Campylobact
er jejuni. Previously characterized hmp genes from E. coli and Bacillus sub
tilis and the novel hmp genes from P. aeruginosa, S. typhi, C. jejuni, K pn
eumoniae, and D. radiodurans were PCR amplified and introduced into a plasm
id for expression in E. coli. Biochemically active hemoproteins were expres
sed in all constructs, as judged by the ability to abduct carbon monoxide.
Growth behavior and byproduct formation of E. coli K-12 MG1655 cells expres
sing various hemoglobins were analyzed in microaerobic fed-batch cultivatio
ns and compared to plasmid-bearing control and to E. coli cells expressing
VHb. The clones expressing hemoglobins from E. coli, D. radiodurans, P. aer
uginosa, and S. typhi reached approximately 10%, 27%, 23%, and 36% higher f
inal optical density values, respectively, relative to the plasmid bearing
E. coli control (A(600) 5.5). E. coli cells expressing hemoproteins from P.
aeruginosa, S. typhi, and D. radiodurans grew to similar final cell densit
ies as did the strain expressing VHb (A600 7.5), although none of the novel
constructs was able to outgrow the VHb-expressing E. coli strain. Addition
ally, increased yield of biomass on glucose was measured for all recombinan
t strains, and an approximately 2-fold yield enhancement was obtained with
D. radiodurans hemoprotein-expressing E. coli relative to the E. coli contr
ol carrying the parental plasmid without any hemoglobin gene.